Journal Study
Study Sees Rise in UTIs Diagnosed With Molecular Panels, Despite Lack of Clinical Evidence for Tests
Using claims data, researchers saw an uptick in urinary tract infections diagnosed with pricey molecular panels, notwithstanding their limited clinical evidence.
In an indirect comparison study by researchers in Germany, a fecal immunochemical test showed similar sensitivity and specificity as Exact Sciences' Cologuard Plus test.
Investigators found that they could increase CNS infection diagnoses by using metagenomic next-generation sequencing to test cerebrospinal fluid samples.
New Blood Test Shows 90 Percent Accuracy in Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease
Developed by researchers from Lund University in Sweden, the test is more accurate than doctors’ diagnoses using standard clinical evaluation tools.
CareDx Stock Rises as Study Shows Cell-Free DNA's Utility for Kidney Allograft Rejection Detection
The Nature Medicine study illustrated the value of CareDx's AlloSure test for monitoring kidney transplant rejection beyond stand-of-care measures.