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Inspirata, Flagship Bio Enter Digital Pathology Pact

NEW YORK – Inspirata and Flagship Biosciences announced on Tuesday a technical partnership that will provide clinicians digital pathology results for tests such as those for PD-L1.

The deal provides clinicians with digital access to Westminster, Colorado-based Flagship Bio's TissueInsight, an AI-based immune-oncology analysis service for send-out tests, via Tampa, Florida-based Inspirata's Dynamyx digital pathology product. Along with providing PD-L1 results, TissueInsight analyzes the tumor microenvironment, including tumor infiltration leukocytes and macrophages. The partnership with Inspirata will allow joint customers to access the service directly from Dynamyx and receive CLIA-reportable results back with the case results, the two firms said.

Financial and other terms of the deal were not disclosed.

"Our goal is to create a more streamlined workflow for pathologists as well as provide more insight for oncologists through our computational services," Trevor Johnson, CEO of Flagship Biosciences, said in a statement.