protein biomarkers
Gates Foundation Awards Detact Diagnostics $5.9M for POC Test, System Development
The Dutch firm will develop assays for syphilis and tuberculosis using its infrared light-based protein detection technology.
NIH Awards Early is Good $1.6M for Bladder Cancer Monitoring Test
The firm said that it will use the money to support the clinical validation of its urine-based BCDx multiomic test to detect bladder cancer recurrence.
POC High-Sensitivity Troponin Tests Could Reduce ER Overcrowding. Is That Enough for Adoption?
Several firms are bringing high-sensitivity cardiac troponin testing into the ER, although doctors are not yet certain how much difference the tests will make.
The company shared results from a larger case-control study in a recent preprint, and has already begun recruiting for a large prospective follow-up.
Gates Foundation Awards ProteinLogic, Stellenbosch University $1.35M for TB Treatment Monitoring
The partners will use the money to develop ProteinLogic's ImmiPrint testing technology for the monitoring of TB patients during antimicrobial treatments.