prognostic signature
The company continues to build validation data and believes its lower cost proposition can help it gain leverage in the European market where molecular tests are not reimbursed.
Investigators last month published early results, which they believe have set a solid foundation for the independent value of their novel signature.
UK's NICE Expands Tumor Profiling Recommendations for Guiding Adjuvant Chemo in Early Breast Cancer
Previously, NICE recommended EndoPredict, Prosigna, and Oncotype DX for node-negative breast cancer only, but the new guidance includes lymph node-positive disease.
Trial Failure Raises Questions About MRD Testing Utility, but Prognostic Evidence Remains Strong
Presentations at last week's ASCO GI meeting highlighted the ongoing generation of promising data for ctDNA-based minimal residual disease testing despite recent missteps.
AccuStem, University Hospitals Partner to Establish Clinical Utility of Cancer Recurrence Test
University Hospitals will provide cancer tissue samples with paired clinical outcomes for further clinical validation of StemPrintER, initially focusing on breast cancer.