VA Offering No-Cost PGx Testing Through End of 2025
The program will be rolled out within Veterans Integrated Service Network 4 facilities, which served more than 300,000 patients last year.
The Missouri hospital system designed its own 13-gene PGx panel, which it runs at its molecular genetics lab and calls the Kiddose PGx test.
UK Provides £1.4M in Funding for Two-Year Study on Genedrive Test to Prevent Newborn Hearing Loss
The Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust will study across the UK the use of Genedrive's MT-RNR1 ID Kit as a pharmacogenomic test to prevent hearing loss.
The AI assistant has been trained on a knowledgebase made up of the latest Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium data for statins.
Multigene PGx Testing Improves Outcomes for Schizophrenia Patients, Randomized Study Shows
A study comparing Chinese patients who received therapy guided by genetic testing and those who got standard care showed better outcomes for those in the PGx arm.