microfluidic chips
The technology is licensed to a subsidiary of Fujirebio and is also being adapted for continuous automated monitoring of live tissues in culture.
COVID-19 Pandemic Accelerated Development of CRISPR as a Diagnostic Platform in 2020
The pace of development for CRISPR-based infectious disease assays increased as the pandemic progress
The European Commission awarded a consortium of private companies and academic researchers €759,000 recently to carry out their plans.
Stanford Researchers Combine CRISPR, Microfluidics, Electric Fields for SARS-CoV-2 Dx
The researchers created a test-on-a-chip technology that takes about 35 minutes to produce a result, and may partner with Ford to produce the chips.
Fluidigm Shares Rise on Selection of Saliva-Based COVID-19 Assay for Federal Surge Testing
The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said that it would use Fluidigm's saliva-based molecular SARS-CoV-2 test as part of a federal surge testing program.