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NeoGenomics:  Michael Kelly, Lynn Tetrault

NeoGenomics said Michael Kelly has joined its board of directors and Lynn Tetrault has been named lead independent director of the board.

Kelly joined the board on July 15 and will serve as a member of the audit committee. He is a former senior executive of Amgen and is currently acting as founder and president of Sentry Hill Partners. He has served in various strategic finance and operations positions at Amgen, most recently as senior vice president of global business services and VP and CFO of international commercial operations. Kelly has also held positions at Biogen, Tanox, and Monsanto Life Sciences.

Tetrault also assumed her new role as of July 15. She has served on the company’s board since June 2015 and is chair of the compensation committee. She founded Anahata Leadership, an advisory firm focused on supporting the leadership effectiveness of executive women. She worked from 1993 to 2014 with AstraZeneca, most recently on its global executive team as executive vice president of human resources and corporate affairs from 2007 to 2014. Prior to AstraZeneca, Tetrault practiced healthcare and corporate law at Choate, Hall and Stewart in Boston.