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Kelly Hunter, Ryan Hayman, Lorenzo Gutierrez, and Aaron Jordan

Kelly Hunter, Ryan Hayman, Lorenzo Gutierrez, and Aaron Jordan have joined Toronto-based start-up ChipCare Corporation, manufacturer of a point-of-care platform for cell-based, immunoassay, and molecular diagnostic testing.

Hunter, a seven-year veteran of BioFire Diagnostics where she developed real-time PCR assays, joins ChipCare as a senior assay development scientist. Hayman, also joining the firm as a senior assay development scientist, was previously assistant director of R&D at Xagenic and has expertise in multiplexed bead-based biosensors and optical detection systems.

Gutierrez has joined the firm as director of hardware engineering and has a background in device prototyping and commercialization, while Jordan will be director of project management and has previously led global projects at Thermo Fisher Scientific and Roche Diagnostics.