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PredictImmune, Crohn's & Colitis Foundation Collaborate on IBD Test Validation Study

NEW YORK – Immune disease prognostic firm PredictImmune announced on Thursday a collaboration with the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation to validate the company's PredictSure IBD test in a diverse patient population.

The Predicting Crohn's and Colitis Outcomes in the United States (PRECIOUS) study will track up to 200 patients from 15 medical centers across the US with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis who aren't receiving systemic steroids, immunomodulators, or biologics. The first patients, who will be monitored for up to a year, have been recruited by New York University/Bellevue hospital, the company said.

Patients will be sorted into high-risk and low-risk cohorts using the PredictSure IBD test, which stratifies patients based on the risk of experiencing a severe disease course requiring multiple escalations in treatment.

"Personalized therapy is key to optimizing outcomes and minimizing risks for our patients with IBD," Lea Ann Chen, the study's principal investigator, said in a statement. "It is also dependent on having accurate predictors of disease behavior."

PredictImmune and the foundation are jointly funding the study.

Cambridge, UK-based PredictImmune announced last month its partnership with KSL Biomedical to promote and provide the PredictSure IBD test in North America.