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MBio Lands $218K NSF Grant for Water Toxin Testing

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Boulder, Colorado-based MBio Diagnostics has received a $217,702 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop toxin testing technology.

The grant funds development of a portable platform to detect algal bloom toxins using the firm's multiplexed fluorescence immunoassay Array System and LightDeck fluorescence assay illumination technology.

"MBio has demonstrated a unique, portable testing platform that delivers a panel of freshwater and marine toxin test results in a matter of minutes in an easy-to-use format," the firm said in a statement.

MBio CTO Michael Lochhead added that the grant would help the firm develop the technology into a commercial product.

The grant is the latest product development news from MBio. The firm also signed a deal with Roka Bioscience in December 2015 to develop food safety testing technology.