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Abbott Receives CE Mark for Next-Generation Hematology Analyzer

NEW YORK (360Dx) – Abbott Laboratories said today that it has received CE marking for its Alinity hq hematology analyzer, which is now available in Europe and other countries that recognize the mark.

The analyzer is part of a planned integrated hematology system designed to address the productivity needs of the high-volume laboratory, and its the first in the Alinity hematology series of instruments to be commercially available, Abbott said. 

The firm noted that the analyzer automates the performance of hematology tests that analyze blood composition, including identifying and quantifying different types of blood cells, and reports on 29 different parameters within minutes.

Among the analyzer's capabilities are an "advanced optical technology combined with robust algorithms to handle normal and pathological samples," and "design features that are intended to reduce manual steps and minimize errors, as well as improve confidence in data and allow for uninterrupted operation," the firm added.

In a separate announcement today concerning its blood testing business, Abbott said that the Sekisui CP3000 coagulation system, a fully automated analyzer that tests bleeding and clotting function in blood, is now available in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Pacific. Abbott is the exclusive distributor of the system, made by Tokyo-based Sekisui, in the US, Europe, and other regions that recognize the CE Mark.