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ProAxsis: Alan Markey, Steven Myint

Irish point-of-care diagnostics firm ProAxsis has appointed Alan Markey as its chairperson and Steven Myint as a non-executive director. The Dublin-based respiratory diagnostics firm also said that CEO David Ribeiro is stepping down as CEO after nine years at ProAxsis to pursue another opportunity. Markey has more than 25 years of senior executive experience in the pharmaceutical and medical devices industries, including stints at Johnson & Johnson, and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, now part of Pfizer. Myint is a clinician and was medical director at GlaxoSmithKline and SVP for R&D and CMO at BTG International.

ProAxsis previously focused on developing products to capture, detect, and measure active protease biomarkers of disease but has shifted to the point-of-care testing space, where it will leverage its NEATtstick technology, a rapid test for measuring active neutrophil elastase.