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Danaher: Phillip Sharp, Angela Caliendo, Robert Hershberg, And More

Danaher announced the formation of a new scientific advisory board that will work with the company's executive leadership team to determine opportunities for mergers and acquisitions and to prioritize early-stage investments in certain strategic areas.

The board includes Angela Caliendo, Warren Alpert Foundation professor of medicine and executive vice chair of medicine at Alpert Medical School at Brown University and president of Brown Physicians; James Collins, Termeer professor of bioengineering in the department of biological engineering and Institute for Medical Engineering & Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Robert Hershberg, venture partner at Frazier Healthcare Partners; and Isaac Kohane, Marion V. Nelson professor of biomedical informatics and chair of the department of biomedical informatics at Harvard Medical School and associate professor of medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Other members are Amy Lynn McGuire, the Leon Jaworski professor of biomedical ethics and director of the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine; David Rimm, professor of pathology and of medicine and director of pathology tissue services and translational pathology at Yale School of Medicine; Phillip Sharp, Nobel Prize laureate and institute professor and professor of biology at MIT; Thomas Südhof, Nobel Prize laureate and Avram Goldstein professor investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute and professor at Stanford University; and David Walt, Hänsjorg Wyss professor of biologically inspired engineering at Harvard Medical School and professor of pathology at Brigham and Women's Hospital and core faculty of the Wyss Institute at Harvard University. Walt also founded Illumina and Quanterix.