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Avisa Diagnostics: Barbara Bunger

Point-of-care test developer Avisa Diagnostics has appointed Barbara Bunger as its vice president of clinical development.

Bunger will be responsible for designing and executing a clinical development plan to achieve US Food and Drug Administration premarket approval for the Avisa BreathTest, a rapid, point-of-care biomarker test for the detection and monitoring of bacterial load in post-COVID-19 long haulers and for ventilator-associated pneumonia.

Prior to joining Avisa, Bunger was vice president of clinical research and regulatory strategy at Clinical Development and Regulatory Services. Previously, she was worldwide director of clinical researcher and corporate clinical development at Becton Dickinson.

Overall, Bunger has more than 30 years of industry experience in the development of clinical and regulatory strategy, global clinical research trial operations, and the planning required to generate evidence to support reimbursement and market adoption.