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Agilent Technologies: Mike McMullen, Padraig McDonnell, Angelica Riemann, Jonah Kirkwood

Agilent Technologies' board of directors said that the company's CEO of nine years, Mike McMullen, is stepping down from that role on May 1, and he will become an adviser to the company until his retirement begins Oct. 31. He will be succeeded by Padraig McDonnell, who is currently the president of the Agilent CrossLab Group and the company's chief commercial officer (CCO). McMullen joined Agilent's predecessor company Hewlett-Packard in 1984 and rose through senior management positions until he took over as CEO from William Sullivan in March 2015. McDonnell also joined Agilent through Hewlett-Packard, which he began working for in 1998. He has been the president of the Agilent CrossLab Group since May 2020 and CCO since November 2021.

Angelica Riemann, VP and general manager of the Agilent CrossLab Group's CrossLab Services Division, will take over as the group's president. Jonah Kirkwood, VP of global sales, will take over as CCO and lead the One Agilent Commercial Organization.