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ACLA: Mary Lee Watts, Elyse Oveson, Holly Grosholz

The American Clinical Laboratory Association announced the appointments of Mary Lee Watts as VP of government affairs and policy and Elyse Oveson as chief of advocacy operations. Watts was previously director of federal affairs at the American Society for Microbiology. Before that, she held advocacy positions with the American Association for Cancer Research, American Society for Nutrition, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Oveson was senior director of federal relations or the Healthcare Association of New York State and previously held legislative positions with a former member of the New York state congressional delegation and with Park Strategies.

Additionally, Holly Grosholz has been promoted to senior director of government affairs at ACLA. She joined the association in 2022. Before that, she was director of government relations at the Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance. Prior to that, Grosholz was at the American Public Health Association.