ESHG, ACMG Differ Starkly in Recommendations for Reporting Secondary Findings From Genomic Tests
During a session at the ASHG 2020 virtual meeting, representatives from both organizations laid out the reasons for their contrasting guidelines.
ASHG: Dutch Nationwide NIPT Implementation Study Sees 42 Percent Uptake After First Year
During the first year of the TRIDENT-2 study, 74,000 women opted for NIPT, which was switched from in-house-developed platforms to Illumina's VeriSeq in May of this year.
Singlera Genomics Presents Data on Cell-Free DNA Methylation Test for Early Cancer Detection
The firm plans to conduct a prospective trial of a pan cancer assay and aims to bring another assay focused on colorectal cancer through FDA clearance.
MyGene2 Resource Lets Families, Clinicians Searching for Molecular Diagnosis Share Data
MyGene2 holds cases from 1,225 families, submitted by 880 user accounts, which include 723 unique genes, among them many new disease genes.
The law contains provisions that proponents say will advance precision medicine and speed new tests to market, but critics worry if this will come at a cost to public health.