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Thermo Fisher Scientific Proteome Discoverer 3.0 Plus MSAID CHIMERYS

Thermo Fisher Scientific and proteomics artificial intelligence software developer MSAID have combined the Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer 3.0 software with MSAID's CHIMERYS software to substantially enhance the identification rate and number of unique peptide identifications in proteomics data.

CHIMERYS uses artificial intelligence to identify a minimal set of peptides that can explain the acquired tandem mass spectrum, in comparison to existing methodologies, which typically assume all peaks in a tandem mass spectrum are derived from a single peptide, Thermo Fisher said. This approach provides a 1.8-fold increase in the number of unique peptide identifications and a 1.5-fold increase in the number of protein identifications for typical proteomics data sets when compared to existing tools. In addition to improved protein coverage and quantitation capabilities, Proteome Discoverer 3.0 software paired with CHIMERYS also facilitates faster data acquisition for increased sample throughput.

The Proteome Discoverer 3.0 software release also includes an updated INFERYS prediction model, extending support to tandem mass tagging, collisionally induced dissociation, and providing improved results for immunopeptidomics.