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Exact Sciences OncoExTra Therapy Selection Test

Exact Sciences has launched the OncoExTra therapy selection test in the US. OncoExTra uses next-generation sequencing to analyze DNA and RNA, providing doctors and patients a complete molecular picture of the patient's cancer. OncoExTra profiles the entire exome and transcriptome across approximately 20,000 genes. Exact noted that the American Society of Clinical Oncology has updated its guidelines to recommend RNA-based fusion testing for patients with no actionable information provided by a standard DNA, multigene panel test. OncoExTra also analyzes all National Comprehensive Cancer Network-recommended genes for patients with solid tumors, and uses matched tumor-normal sequencing to limit false positives and allow physicians to make clinical decisions based on somatic variants detected. The test includes information on targetable mutations and fusions, immuno-oncology signatures, and clinical trial options. Healthcare providers can also order IHC panels and individual stains concurrently, allowing them to receive all actionable tumor information from the company.