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C2N: PrecivityAD2 Test

C2N Diagnostics launched the PrecivityAD2 test to aid in diagnosing patients with Alzheimer's disease. The blood-based test meets the standard of care with PET scans and CSF-based tests, St. Louis-based C2N said, adding it can be used by clinicians to rule out or rule in Alzheimer's in patients with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. In a clinical validation study with two independent cohorts of 583 patients with cognitive impairment based on amyloid PET as the standard, the test had an area under the curve of .94 with 88 percent accuracy. PrecivityAD2 quantifies specific plasma amyloid beta and tau peptide concentration to calculate the Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio and p-tau217/N-p tau217 (p-tau217 ratio), C2N said.