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Beckman Coulter DxU Iris Workcell

Beckman Coulter has launched its DxU Iris Workcell, a fully automated system to streamline the urinalysis workflow. According to the Danaher subsidiary, the platform can reduce manual reviews to 4 percent. Urinalyses comprise up to 30 percent of all samples received in the lab, many of which require a manual inspection. The DxU Iris Workcell reduces sample subjectivity and variability, resulting in faster turnaround time and improved test results, Beckman Coulter said. The system pairs its DxU 850m Iris or DxU 840m Iris urine microscopy analyzer with Arkray's Aution Max 4030 urine chemistry analyzer. The workcell was developed with proprietary digital flow morphology technology with auto-particle recognition software, which enables labs to deliver standardized results leveraging AI technology.