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Nanopath Nabs $3M SBIR Grant for Pelvic, Gynecologic Infection Tests

NEW YORK – Point-of-care testing firm Nanopath said Tuesday that it has been awarded $3 million from the National Institutes of Health to support research and development of the firm's molecular testing system for pelvic and gynecologic infections.

The Cambridge, Massachusetts-based firm said that the NIH awarded the grant in March through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. It is the firm's second SBIR grant since September 2023, when the company was awarded $1 million from the National Science Foundation. Those SBIR awards are intended to accelerate technological innovation by small businesses.

Nanopath intends to use the money to develop its biosensor-based testing platform that is designed for the rapid detection of nucleic acid sequences from patient samples. That development will include work on the test consumables and a readout instrument as well as the analytical and clinical validation of the firm's pelvic and gynecologic infection tests.

The company said that with the recent grant and the NSF grant, it has raised more than $15 million in funding.

"This funding is a tremendous vote of confidence in Nanopath's ability to transform molecular diagnostics and enable providers to move away from the traditional view of disease-specific diagnostic testing and towards patient-centric testing," Nanopath Cofounder and CEO Amogha Tadimety said in a statement. "The outcomes of this grant-funded work could lay the groundwork for a new era of clinically informative diagnostics at any site-of-care, changing the paradigm of women's healthcare."

Nanopath won the Disruptive Technology Award at the 2022 AACC Annual Scientific Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo with the startup company's flagship benchtop instrument that uses biosensors to aid the diagnosis of pelvic or gynecological infections within minutes. The founders said that the test could help healthcare providers decide on treatments within an office visit.

The American Association for Clinical Chemistry last year changed its name to the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM).