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Lucira Health Receives $11.5M Under Flu Test Development Contract

NEW YORK — Molecular diagnostics firm Lucira Health said on Tuesday that it has received $11.5 million to support its development of an over-the-counter influenza test under the second phase of a contract with the US Department of Health and Human Services' Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

In mid-2018, Lucira — formerly Diassess — won a BARDA contract worth up to $21.9 million to develop two flu diagnostics: one for professional use in a clinical setting and another for use by consumers in their homes. 

The company said it has thus far developed and clinically validated the professional-use test for CLIA-waived settings. Under the new phase of the contract, Emeryville, California-based Lucira will adapt that test for home use, as well as develop a companion mobile app and telemedicine infrastructure to allow consumers to manage their follow-up care.