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Nicoya Wins $221K Grant From Canadian Government for Rapid, Saliva-Based Coronavirus Antigen Test

NEW YORK — Nicoya said on Tuesday that it has been awarded up to C$299,190 ($220,963) from the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program to develop a portable, saliva-based SARS-CoV-2 test.

Called Atlas, the test will comprise a smartphone-powered single-use, disposable device that detects active SARS-CoV-2 infection based on the presence of viral proteins, with results available in less than 20 minutes, according to the Ontario-based company.

Nicoya said that development of an Atlas prototype is underway.

"With this funding and support, we have the opportunity to expedite research and development of Atlas, and we're working extremely hard to bring it to the public as quickly as possible," Nicoya Cofounder and CEO Ryan Denomme said in a statement.

The funding is being provided as part of a joint challenge issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada and the National Research Council of Canada through the Innovative Solutions Canada program, Nicoya said.