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Sysmex, Hitado to Distribute Sphingotec POC Immunoassay Platform in Switzerland, Germany

NEW YORK — SphingoTec said on Tuesday that it has signed commercialization agreements with Sysmex and its subsidiary Hitado for its Nexus IB10 point-of-care immunoassay platform in Switzerland and Germany, respectively.

The CE-IVD-marked Nexus IB10 automatically separates plasma from whole blood for further analysis with a range of different tests including a recently launched one for cardiogenic shock. It was developed by Samsung subsidiary Nexus Dx, which was acquired by Hennigsdorf, Germany-based SphingoTec in 2018.

Under the terms of their deal, Hitado will exclusively distribute and commercialize the Nexus IB10 in Germany, while Sysmex Suisse will exclusively handle commercialization in Switzerland.

Additional terms were not disclosed.