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Immucor Gets Canadian Approval for Blood Transfusion Instrument

NEW YORK (360Dx) — Immucor said today that Health Canada has approved its NEO Iris mid- to high-volume automated immunohematology instrument.

According to Norcross, Georgia-based Immucor, the NEO Iris uses the company's Capture solid phase technology for antibody screening and identification, and can run up to 60 tests and screens per hour. It also integrates with Immucor's ImmuLink data management software to aggregate all serology and molecular test results to generate a single report with a complete donor or patient testing history.

"Our automation solution combined with the sensitivity of our Capture technology, which identifies antibodies sooner than alternative technologies, provides laboratorians with confidence in the results they are producing for physicians and their patients," Immucor Chief Marketing Officer Keith Chaitoff said in a statement.

About a year ago, the US Food and Drug Administration cleared Immucor's Echo Lumena instrument for donor-patient blood matching.