Genomics: Clinical Implementation
This channel includes news headlines and educational resources regarding the clinical implementation of genomics assays, including development, validation, quality control, standardization, and the practical and commercial considerations for labs adopting these tests.
A reference measurement procedure incorporating digital PCR can potentially be used with rare and emerging pathogens to help labs compare qPCR results, researchers said.
The retrospective results suggest that the test's sensitivity boost over other platforms can overcome the challenge of detecting ctDNA in adenocarcinomas.
International Consensus Statement Says Microbiome-Based Diagnostic Tests Not Ready for Prime Time
Researchers laid out a set of ethical, organizational, and technical guidelines for the development, commercial use, and clinical implementation of microbiome tests.
Updated NCCN Guidelines Adjust Ratings for Prostate Cancer Genetic Tests
The newest version ups its endorsement of somatic genomic testing to "recommended" for advanced cancers and shifts its recommendations on early-stage risk assays.
Biobanks have been making strides in gathering data from more diverse populations this year while the evidence for the clinical utility of embryo PRS testing remains insufficient.