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Health Network Laboratories Acquires MDx Testing Firm Connective Tissue Gene Tests

NEW YORK (360Dx) – Health Network Laboratories announced today the acquisition of Connective Tissue Gene Tests, a molecular diagnostic laboratory specializing in inherited genetic disorders.

CTGT, founded in 2004, uses proprietary analytic methods and a mutation database to provide more than 3,000 unique tests covering 1,000 genes. The company's systems have enabled it to rapidly develop and deploy new tests, according to HNL.

The addition of CTGT will significantly enhance HNL's inherited disease diagnostic services and will complement HNL's clinical genetic laboratory service programs in cancer, infectious disease, perinatal disease, and pharmacogenomics, according to Jeff Wisotzkey, HNL's clinical lab director and scientific officer. The companies are expected to have intellectual, bioinformatics, and technical synergies, he added.

HNL works with more than 10 hospital systems, has more than 60 regional patient service centers, and generates more than 60 million clinical and anatomic pathology results.

"HNL will benefit from CTGT's innovative technologies and experience in the genetics. We are excited about HNL's synergistic commitment to quality and customer service, which has been so important to our clients," CTGT Founders James Hyland and Leena Ala-Kokko said in a statement.

Both companies are located in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.