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Alzpath Receives $1.9M Investment From Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation

NEW YORK – Alzheimer's diagnostics firm Alzpath said Tuesday that it has received a $1.9 million investment from the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation's (ADDF) Diagnostics Accelerator.

Carlsbad, California-based Alzpath will use the money to support development of its AlzpathDx assay, a laboratory-developed test (LDT) that measures phosphorylated tau-217 in blood to aid in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

The assay is performed on Quanterix's Simoa HD-X immunoassay system. It is currently available through Quanterix as a research-use-only assay. Alzpath plans to use the ADDF investment to generate the clinical evidence needed to launch the assay as an LDT.

"We can now continue expanding our efforts with the goal of ensuring broad clinical availability of AlzpathDx, which will be critical in facilitating timely and accurate detection, as well as providing scalable access to disease-modifying treatments for people living with Alzheimer's," Andreas Jeromin, Alzpath's CSO and principal investigator, said in a statement.

"We know that tau deposits in the brain (as tangles) more closely correlate with cognitive function than beta-amyloid, meaning tau biomarkers will serve as a vital tool for physicians and researchers alike as Alzheimer's diagnostics and treatments continue to evolve," ADDF Cofounder and CSO Howard Fillit said in a statement. "Noninvasive tau blood tests that are able to accurately quantify the levels of specific types of tau protein in the blood, like Alzpath's, can impact patient outcomes by aiding in the early diagnosis and intervention for Alzheimer's disease."