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Massachusetts Lab Owner Indicted on Charges of Urine Drug Testing Fraud

NEW YORK — The Office of the Attorney General of Massachusetts said recently that it has indicted the owner of a clinical laboratory on charges related to Medicaid fraud involving urine drug testing.

According to the AG's office, Burlington, Massachusetts-based Solid Diagnostics and its owner, Rita Ausiejus, were indicted last month by a statewide grand jury on two counts each of Medicaid false claims, Medicaid reverse false claims, and larceny over $1,200.

The AG's office alleges that Solid and Ausiejus submitted claims to the Massachusetts Medicaid program, MassHealth, for urine drug tests that were not appropriately ordered by providers and for urine drug tests that were medically unnecessary for residential sobriety monitoring purposes.

The defendants are alleged to have caused more than $400,000 in false claims. They are set to be arraigned in Middlesex Superior Court on March 21.