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Sciex Forming Joint Venture With Zhejiang Dian Diagnostics

NEW YORK (360Dx) – Sciex said today it has formed a joint venture between its diagnostics division and Chinese firm Zhejiang Dian Diagnostics around mass spec-based testing.

The venture will be based in Hangzhou, China and will develop, register, manufacture, and commercialize Class I, II and III in vitro diagnostic reagents for the SCIEX Triple Quad™ 4500MD LC-MS/MS system, Sciex said. The 4500MS received Chinese Food and Drug Administration approval earlier this year.

Dian's diagnostic network comprises more than 30 laboratories covering nearly all of mainland China and processes around 100,000 samples per day. The company has also established "precision treatment centers" at several Chinese hospitals with the goal of driving development and adoption of advanced clinical diagnostics.

"Dian has established many product channels with its wide coverage of high-end medical resources, and this venture will further enrich their existing in vitro diagnostic product lines to enable hospital labs to expand their testing capabilities, and perform tests that they previously were not able to,” Inese Lowenstein, president of Sciex, said in a statement.