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Anpac Bio Receives CLIA Certification for Commercial Lab

NEW YORK – Biotechnology firm Anpac Bio-Medical Science announced Thursday that its Anpac Technology USA subsidiary’s commercial laboratory in San Jose, California has received a certificate of registration under the US Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988.

Chris Yu, the company’s chairman and CEO, said Anpac Bio is beginning clinical research and studies on its cancer differentiation analysis technology and hopes to commercialize the technology in the US.

The Shanghai, China-based firm focuses on early cancer screening and detection and has research agreements with multiple US universities and academic medical centers. It also markets and sells a multi-cancer screening and detection test in China that uses its CDA technology to detect the risk of 26 different cancers, the company said in a statement.

The technology analyzes in vitro blood biopsies and applies multilevel screening algorithms to identify cancer. Anpac said its testing has an 85 percent to 90 percent sensitivity and specificity and has screened out more than 525 cases of pre- and stage I cancer.