The availability of multi-gene tests was most inconsistent across 53 European countries, and reimbursement was seen as the greatest barrier.
AMP Releases Second Preliminary SARS-CoV-2 Testing Survey Results
Laboratories are continuing to experience supply chain interruptions and are facing significant staffing shortages, the report found.
England Expands National COVID-19 Infection Survey to Track Disease Spread
The study currently tests 28,000 people every two weeks and will expand to 150,000 by October, with the aim to increase to 400,000 people across the country.
Global Survey Reveals Suboptimal Molecular Testing Access in Lung Cancer Despite Broad Guidelines
An IASLC survey showed that molecular testing is not performed in line with expert guidelines, which means only a minority of lung cancer patients are benefitting from precision oncology.
Public Awareness of Personalized Medicine Not Growing in Step With Industry, Survey Shows
Although people have greater access to personalized drugs and tests than ever before, a survey by GenomeWeb and the PMC shows public awareness isn't improving.