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Sysmex America to Distribute Sentinel Diagnostics Analyzers in Canada

NEW YORK – Sysmex America said Monday that it has inked a deal with Sentinel Diagnostics to distribute and service in Canada two Sentinel instruments for fecal immunochemical testing.

In a statement, Sysmex said that it anticipates distributing and servicing the SentiFit 270 and SentiFit 800 analyzers for use with a new fecal immunochemical test starting in Q1 2025.

The 270 instrument is designed for use by facilities with a medium volume of fecal occult blood and calprotectin tests. It has a throughput of 270 tests per hour and an automated closed-tube sampling system that is designed to reduce hands-on time and exposure to samples.

The fully automated 800 instrument, meanwhile, is designed for use by facilities with higher testing volumes, and it has a throughput of 550 tests per hour. Sentinel launched the analyzer in 2022.

Marco Buonaguidi, head of sales and marketing for Sentinel Diagnostics, said in a statement that national and regional colorectal cancer screening programs are vital, but they create workload and efficiency challenges for labs.

"Sysmex America is a trusted leader, respected for optimizing the efficiency, operations, and financial performance of clinical laboratories," he said.