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Qiagen Sued for Allegedly Infringing Patent With Wi-Fi-Connected Instrument


NEW YORK — A lawsuit has been filed in federal court against Qiagen alleging it infringes a US patent related to connecting a device to a communication network with its EZ2 Connect automated nucleic acid isolation instrument.

The suit was filed by Triumph IP in the US District Court for the District of Delaware and pertains to US Patent No. 7,177,291. The patent, issued in 2007 and originally assigned to Thomson Licensing, claims a process of associating an apparatus to a communication network in a way that avoids interference with other networks. In its complaint, Triumph IP claims that the EZ2 Connect infringes the patent due to the manner by which it connects to Wi-Fi networks.

The lawsuit also notes that "Triumph is the assignee of all right, title, and interest in the '291 patent, including all rights to enforce and prosecute actions for infringement and to collect damages for all relevant times against infringers of the '291 patent."

Qiagen's EZ2 Connect is a benchtop instrument for the automated isolation of nucleic acids from up to 24 samples in parallel, according to its website.

This year, Triumph IP has filed lawsuits against at least 10 different companies in different industries alleging infringement of the patent.

Triumph IP is asking the court for a jury trial and is seeking unspecified damages and costs.

Representatives for Hilden, Germany-based Qiagen were not immediately available for comment.