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Lumos Diagnostics Closes $15M Series A Funding

NEW YORK – Lumos Diagnostics announced on Wednesday the closing of $15 million in Series A funding from Australian healthcare innovation and commercialization firm Planet Innovation.

The company said this funding will be used for international commercial expansion of its FebriDx rapid point-of-care test, the FebriDx US Food and Drug Administration pivotal clinical trial, and other development and manufacturing resources. The test provides clinicians with an assessment of a patient's immune response to acute respiratory infection and identifies patients who have a clinically significant underlying infection within 10 minutes.

It also helps differentiate viral and bacterial respiratory infections from a fingerstick blood sample by detecting Myxovirus resistance protein A and C-reactive protein. MxA is higher in patients with an acute viral infection, and CRP is higher in patients with a clinically significant infection, Lumos Dx said, adding the FebriDx test has a 97 to 99 percent negative predictive value for ruling out bacterial infections.

Sarasota, Florida-based Lumos Diagnostics is a spinout from Planet Innovation and merged with RPS Diagnostics last year.