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Immunovia, Proteomedix to Collaborate on R&D Efforts

NEW YORK – Proteomics-based diagnostics firms Immunovia and Proteomedix announced on Monday that they have entered a strategic partnership to advance both companies' research and development efforts.

The companies did not provide details about the partnership but said that it will complement each firm's R&D capabilities and give them a more flexible R&D organization while increasing their R&D productivity. The deal will also allow Immunovia to focus internal resources on the commercialization of its ImmRay PanCan-d test, further accelerating the test's rollout, the Swedish firm said. 

The collaboration will enable " both companies to faster take critical steps forward by leveraging our combined expertise to increase R&D efficiency," Proteomedix CEO Helge Lubenow said in a statement. It will also demonstrate "how our biomarker assay development expertise can be deployed beyond prostate cancer," Lubenow said.

Proteomedix currently offers its blood-based prostate cancer test Proclarix, which relies on proteomics technology to measure cancer-associated proteins, in Europe. It launched the assay in 2020.

The deal "will combine leading proteomics-based researchers with state-of-the art capabilities from both companies to create an outstanding R&D platform," Immunovia CEO and President Philipp Mathieu added. The company noted that Linda Dexlin Mellby, Immunovia's VP of research and development, will leave the company in November as a result of the partnership.