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Genalyte Acquires BaseHealth

NEW YORK – Diagnostics testing firm Genalyte announced on Saturday it has acquired data analytics company BaseHealth for undisclosed terms.

The acquisition took effect March 12. Together, the combined company will provide onsite, rapid diagnostics with data analytics capabilities, Genalyte said.

"By combining these capabilities at the point of care in real time, we are creating the safest, most accurate, and most impactful patient interaction possible," Genalyte CEO Cary Gunn said in a statement. "When we do our job right, patients receive better, faster, more cost-effective healthcare."

The combined company will have operations in San Diego and Silicon Valley, California, as well as Austin, Texas.

Based in San Diego, Genalyte's main technology platform is the Maverick Detection System for rapid blood testing in outpatient settings. While its focus has been on developing assays for rheumatology applications, it most recently began working on a SARS-CoV-2 serology test for use with the Maverick system.

BaseHealth is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California and offers a predictive health data analytics platform that leverages machine learning and artificial intelligence. Its platform incorporates "all available health information about the patient, including diagnostic tests, in order to maximize the accuracy and utility of the test," Genalyte said.