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Eurofins Builds Footprint in France with Clinical Lab Deals

NEW YORK (360Dx) – Eurofins Scientific today announced it has acquired four clinical laboratories in France since the start of 2017.

Included in the deals are the acquisitions of iLab in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azure and Biosphere in Rhône-Alpes. Eurofins also purchased two unidentified groups of labs in Mareseille and Martigues, both focused on specialty clinical testing. The four labs have combined annual revenues of more than €10 million ($10.9 million), Eurofins said. The terms of the deals were not disclosed. 

The acquisitions are in line with Eurofins' plan to fortify its market position in the core regions of France and continue becoming a national player with "strong local footprint," it said.  

The company announced last week the acquisition of MVZ für Laboratoriumsmedizin am Hygiene-Institut (Hygel), a group of clinical diagnostic laboratories based in Germany.