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Epigenomics Lung Cancer Test Receives CE-IVD Mark

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Epigenomics announced today that it has received CE-IVD marking for its blood-based lung cancer test Epi proLung.

Epi proLung searches for a combination of DNA methylation biomarkers in order to detect cancer, the company said. The assay was partly developed with funding from the European Commission within the framework of the Horizon 2020 program.

"Lung cancer is a deadly disease for which there are limited diagnostic options," Epigenomics CEO Greg Hamilton said in a statement. "The CE-IVD mark for Epi proLung is our first step in providing additional testing options. We will continue to enhance the product as we learn more through clinical studies in the future."

Epigenomics also said in August that it was aiming to get CE marking for its Epi proColon colorectal cancer test this year. The firm also requested that the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services grant a higher reimbursement price for the test.