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Discovery Life Sciences Acquires QualTek Molecular Laboratories

NEW YORK – Discovery Life Sciences announced today that it has acquired immunohistochemistry services provider QualTek Molecular Laboratories. 

The deal will significantly increase the range of Discovery's existing histopathology services and will help the company develop innovative flow cytometry and cell-based laboratory services, it said. The merger will also complement Discovery's HudsonAlpha Discovery sequencing and bioinformatics laboratory, one of the world's largest commercial biorepositories and biospecimen procurement networks, the company added.

Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

"We founded QualTek 22 years ago and have successfully realized our vision of using IHC as a platform for personalized medicine to help increase cancer patient response to therapy," QualTek Chief Operating Officer Frank Lynch said in a statement. "We can now leverage direct access to the largest bank of annotated FFPE blocks to allow our biopharma partners to design clinical trials strategically, based on understanding the expression of their target proteins in specific patient populations."