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Apple Awards $10M to Sample Collection Kit Firm Copan Diagnostics

NEW YORK – Apple announced Thursday it will award $10 million to Copan Diagnostics to accelerate the firm's ability to supply sample collection kits for COVID-19 testing. 

Apple said in a statement that the funding will allow Copan to increase its production of sample collection kits from several thousand today to more than 1 million kits per week by early July. Additionally, it will allow Copan to move its US headquarter in Murrieta, California to a new, larger facility in Southern California, with advanced equipment that Apple is helping design.

The expansion will also support the creation of 50 new jobs.

"COPAN is one of the world's most innovative manufacturers of sample collection kits for COVID-19 testing, and we're thrilled to partner with them so they can expand as we work to address this critical issue for our nation," said Apple's COO, Jeff Williams.

Norman Sharples, CEO of Copan Diagnostics, said Apple's operational expertise will help the firm increase delivery of important pre-analytical tools for medical professionals across the country at this critical time.

Nationwide, labs conducting SARS-CoV-2 testing cite a shortage of various collection tools as an obstacle to getting more testing performed.

Apple is also sourcing equipment and materials for Copan Diagnostics from companies across the US, including equipment Apple is helping design from K2 Kinetics, based in York, Pennsylvania, and MWES in Waukesha, Wisconsin.