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Alere Forensics Lab Receives Accreditation

NEW YORK (360Dx) – Alere today announced that its forensic toxicology division has been accredited by the American Board of Forensic Toxicology.

The accreditation, which took effect on Dec. 1, 2016, covers postmortem and human performance toxicology analysis, including driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol testing.

Alere Forensics at Redwood Toxicology Laboratory will offer screening and confirmation of more than 100 drugs and drug metabolites.

The accreditation will allow Alere to "launch a vital service for agencies requiring DUID and postmortem toxicology," Albert Berger, the vice president and general manager of Alere Forensics at Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, said in a statement. "By offering accurate results in a timely manner, we are well-positioned to help criminal justice agencies and laboratories overwhelmed by backlogs."